Drinking water Treatment Plant
The continuous and reliable treatment of water for human consumption is a cornerstone of modern society. Most consumers are unaware of the vast resources and engineering that go into producing potable water that is readily available at the turn of a faucet; this modern convenience is consequently taken for granted until major problems occur. Severe disruptions to the water supply can occur as a result of sudden and unforeseen changes in the intake water quality, plant malfunctions, operator errors, or unanticipated impacts of process changes, and these events carry serious and potentially lethal consequences for consumers downstream. Continuous monitoring of critical parameters at all stages of treatment is therefore an absolute necessity for safeguarding drinking water supplies.
TRITON enables municipalities and water treatment operators to detect problems in their water treatment streams and take action before they become liabilities.
Benifits include
- Direct 24/7 access to real-time monitoring data of water parameters and performance indicators at all stages of treatment
- Instantaneous warning of changes to raw water conditions and/or potential plant operational failures, which can result in compromised finished water safety
- Machine learning-based process optimization algorithms, which can utilize real-time data to suggest optimal operational parameters of the treatment process, e.g., coagulant dosage, chlorine dosage, filter back-flush frequency, etc
- Reduce operational expenses caused by sending operators to remote locations for on-site diagnoses, manual adjustments to process parameters, and major clean-ups due to serious plant failures
- Optional sonde-style probe for in-situ monitoring includes slots for up to 7 sensors, self-cleaning capability, 90 days battery life, and wireless connectivity.
TRITON can monitor any combination of the following drinking water parameters:
- Turbidity/TSS
- pH
- Conductivity/TDS
- Free/total chlorine
- UV254
- Color (e.g., Pt/Co)
- Ammonium
- + Others (inquire for your particular needs)